Thursday, August 19, 2010

Helping Toddlers Learn Through Make-Believe

Kayleen is serving tea and muffins to Oscar the Grouch while sporting a faded felt snowman hat. CJ is not far from holding a baby doll and gently under her temperature with a big plastic thermometer. What those two year olds have in common? They are both participation in the activity of time is less "make-believe play."

Through make-believe, young children learn about themselves and the world around them. Little babies play pat-a-cake make believe. Depending on the age ofthe child will vary their role. Imaginative children do not need fancy toys or equipment to do so, they are rolling with a box and a toilet paper happy. If they operate pretend play with a variety of objects, they learn the life skills that help them as adults will.

We play all the little kids saw dress-up or "house". Children can create an imaginary world everywhere - if plasticine animals when Mom or Dad to help match-up socks (Sock puppets are thebest after all.) If they so creative with just a sock to think, then what they do with special make-believe props do.

Often parents feel that their children require expensive furniture and household items for roleplaying. Remember the little boy with the Refrigerator box in his backyard when you were a child? Each was to continue to build infinite structures and the game would fell apart for hours, or until the field. Well, the hours spent together and cooperates withcolorful imagination were far more valuable than any expensive jungle gym or play house.

What inspires the imagination of a toddler or school age child? should provide what kind of "props" encourage parents to make-believe even more than what children are doing, of course? Here are just a few ideas:

Dress-Up - hats, jewelry, scarves, shoes, dresses and shirts, bags or backpacks

Kitchen - lots of plastic bowls with lids, kid size broom / MOP / dustpan, towels, spoons, measuringCups, pots and pans with lids

Family blankets - pillows, both male and female baby dolls, old toys, mobile phones, boxes of various sizes for kids

House - Kid size tables, boxes serve as equipment, furniture, TV, full length mirror

Playing make-believe to help encourage the children to play together, and is ideal for groups and games for children to overcome fear, so here. Young children have boundless creative ideas for games, but love it when parents orManagers participate in the activity. Many times, can help imaginative play parents recognize that their child is anxious or worried about something. Helping them talk about their fears about make-believe often the child will reduce stress and bring you closer to your child.

Encourage your child to the imagination through make-believe with simple and inexpensive toys and props. Your Refrigerator box can fall apart, but the fun of building it will last forever.

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