Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Science of Early Learning

Your baby is with most of the brain cells they will ever have arrived, but while the first 12 months in the world, their brains become more complex. By the time she reached the age of two years, her brain is already 75 percent of adult weight. By age three, it will have reached, 90 percent of adult weight.

Nearly 50 percent of brain cells, your baby is born with wither and die in the first years of life. This process, known as neural section,organize the brain and makes them more efficient. The brain learns from experience. Events in the life of your child trigger electrical impulses to the brain via nerves. The more a route is used, the more it is found, making it less susceptible to pruning. Just like a muscle, the brain operates on the principle of "use it or lose it."

How your baby's developing brain

The people are the only animals whose brains triple in size the first two yearsLife. If there is not any larger at the birth of a baby's head fits through the mother's pelvis. Any smaller, and the child's survival would be in danger. How the brain works to 75 percent of adult size are growing at the age of two and 90 percent by the age of three?

If your child is born, its brain weighs about 350 grams (12 oz), from his first birthday, weighs 1 kg (2.2 lb).

At birth, the brain has approximately 200 billion neurons (nerve cells)- Approximately the same number as they have in adulthood.

Each neuron responds to stimulation by cultivating a network of dendrites (branches) and synapses (connections) between itself and its neighbors.

Each neuron ends with dendrites, which at an average of 15,000 synapses.

Dendrite becomes more complex over time, with the third and fourth tier subsidiaries appear at 6 months old.

The more stimulation the brain receives, the more demanding the dendritic networks.

The frontal lobes (the part of the brain, which blends) with strong emotions metabolically active from 6 months old. Be given at 18 months, the neural basis of emotional intelligence of your child.

Between 2 and 4 months old, which increased tenfold the number of synapses in the visual cortex, your baby up to 20,000 per neuron.

At the age of 12 months, neurons that differ in language have found their place in the brain.

After 18 months of the speech center of the brain experience a massive boost synaptic and caused an explosion in the grammar.

What does this mean for your baby?

In the first eight years of his life, especially in the first three, there are a number of critical window for the acquisition of certain types ofIntelligence. After you have closed this window, the learning is much more difficult if not impossible. Babies are particularly open to learning during the early years, when outside the brainstem (the controls) of critical life-sustaining processes, only a very few nerves were formed.

Your baby emotions

The part of the brain responsible for emotional processing is one of the first to develop after birth. For the first few weeks of your child's emotional statebe quite black and white - it will either be happy or unhappy. By 3 months, the experience will have made their feelings more subtle. Since the frontal lobe of her brain grows from 6 months, your baby will point to a variety of emotional and social responses.

Expression: Your baby will begin to feel, to make his feelings in relation to its surroundings. Instead of just crying, he can find another way to get your attention and communicate it to his feelings.

Inhibition: Your baby may begin to think twice about their behavior. For example, they can come to the realization that it makes no sense crying every time she went to bed.

Stranger anxiety: Towards the end of the first year you can start your baby, to show fear of strangers. Since the frontal lobes of the brain continues to develop, your baby experiences fear of the stage through the influence of his social skills in later lifeto help determine whether he is a shy or outgoing person. Frequent and positive social interactions lead synapses in ways that help the brain, emotional and social intelligence hardwired to shoot.

Your baby senses

During the first 12 months your baby will grow is aware only of himself, able to appreciate and enjoy their surroundings. His five senses are also developing rapidly.

Hearing: At birth, the baby recognizes his motherVoice - and possibly the father. He will be surprised by loud noises. With 3 months he will respond to familiar voices, even if he can not see talking to the person. At 6 months he will recognize the vowel sounds, tone, pitch and tone of his native language.

Sight: On the birth of your baby, you can focus on objects 15-20 cm (6-8 in away). At this age, the rods of the retina (cells are responsible for recognizing) black and white are more developed than the cones (cells responsible for recognizingColor). Between 2 and 4 months of your baby's vision much improved in order to follow her and moving objects to sounds. You can also distinguish colors, such as activated their retinal cones. With 5 months, they can judge how far things are. In 8 months the number of synapses in the visual cortex of the brain with their tips.

Taste: Your baby can tell many different flavors of the moment, where he was born, but he will be only interested in sweet and umami tasteFirst, the relaxation to help him, because they are the flavor components of human milk. Sour taste will cause your newborn to purse his lips, while a bitter taste it is disturbed. Although he can taste salt, he will not, do not, and does not show a reaction.

Smell: Your newborn can distinguish between many different smells: are infants at the age of 6 days old, has been shown to recognize their mother's breast odor. However, your baby can not tell where an odorgood or bad, even through the first years of life. This ability does not develop until the age of three years.

Touch your baby's developing sense of touch from top to bottom, with the strongest sense of touch in the mouth - one of the reasons why babies to explore new objects by setting them in their mouths. Your newborn can even distinguish between different shapes and textures with his tongue. If your hands, it is not until 10 weeks that they can recognizeForms and 6 months, that they can distinguish texture.

Your baby's language skills

Language acquisition is an innate talent - Brain babies are programmed to learn the language. The critical window for language development from birth to age three years. Here are some milestones should pay attention to:

By his first birthday, your child can create most of the vowel sounds of English, and about half of the consonants.

Between 12 and 18Month, your baby grow slowly as new vocabulary.

With about 18 months, take your baby's vocabulary, a critical mass, and it receives a new word every day or two.

When he was six, your baby sees about 13,000 words.

If intelligence is the ability to learn, then babies are born geniuses defined. Brain babies "are so) plastic (adaptable that learning for them easily. The positive mentalStimulation to your baby, you can help the nerve pathways that form the bedrock for his or cognitive, emotional and social intelligence in adolescence and adulthood.

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