Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tips for Weaning Your Toddler Off the Pacifier

Pacifier, Paci, pac pac, binky, what ever you want to call it, it will come a time when you want to start weaning your child his or her pacifier. But be warned, this is usually not an easy task.

Babies and toddlers will find a soothing pacifier mechanism that they refer to, to help them to sleep and rest when they get frustrated.

As parents, we might have it easier, they can have the pacifier and allow it even grown out, but frankly, the longer you wait,they are weaned from the pacifier, the harder it will be.

Some studies have shown that pacifiers can affect language development, and the alignment of the teeth as they grow older.

Regardless of the reasons you might have, there are a few things that you try to help wean your child from the pacifier.

Can 1) Snipping a very small hole in the tip of your child's pacifier, the air outside, making it difficult for them to suck. Use the pacifier is less encouragingfor them and eventually they will not want it anymore.

2) back on the use of your child from the pacifier cut. Begin it only to nap and bedtimes, and never They bring with them when you are away from home. Slowly transition only at bedtime and not at all during the day. From there use, before bedtime, unless absolutely necessary, until it is no longer needed. This is a slow transition, which may take several months.

3) Try to trade your child dummies for another object calminglike a blanket or stuffed animal. Explain what you do and that they are always something else in return for doing business with their pacifier.

4) offering little treats and rewards for each time your child goes without a pacifier, especially nap and bedtimes. Once your child understands that it is always something in return regularly in exchange for giving up her pacifier, they are more likely to keep this momentum for treats. Once your child succeedgiven up her pacifier to offer them a great reward for their good work done.

These are just a few ideas to wean your child to the pacifier. The doctors have said that there is no absolute cause for concern for your child, her pacifier until about 5 years. I know for many parents this is simply waiting too long! Remember to get started the sooner you, the easier the time you received your child in front of the pacifier.

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