Thursday, December 30, 2010

Toilet Training for Toddlers - Things to Consider

Toilet training for toddlers could probably be one of the most challenging activities in the lives of parents. There are times when toddlers and their tantrums can really push your patience to the limit. While parents are trying their very best to make the process for them and their kids less painful, their little ones could be unprepared for this tough process. It is therefore important for parents to talk to their child about the right place to go when they pee or potty.

Establishing a friendly approach to toilet training with kids is important. Though toddlers can find it hard to understand every word you utter, demonstrating to them the benefits of using the toilet can help a lot.

When training your toddlers to learn the art of the potty, parents should exert more patience for them to be prepared for whatever outcome. There are some toddlers that take a long time before they completely develop and learn this skill. While they are on the process of dealing with the situation, it is the responsibility of the parents to prepare several activities that would encourage their children to use the toilet whenever they want to pee.

An important part of toilet training for toddlers is setting a good example by letting your toddlers see that all of the members of the family use the toilet. This can help instill in their minds that the toilet is the proper place to go. This makes learning to use the bathroom for children much easier and faster. Children are easily influenced by the activities that they see the people in their environment are constantly doing. For every small accomplishment, do not forget to celebrate with your kids for this will encourage them to pursue the next step. Whenever they make a mess, tell them it is okay and that they can do better next time.

The success of toddlers learning the process completely lies in the hands of parents. As much as possible, toilet training for toddlers should be done in a way comfortable for them so you can boost their willingness to learn. This process may take long but after sufficient training, your children will be able to use the toilet on their own which is the greatest reward of all.

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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Mid Summer's Night Dream: Baby Kids

baby kids = toddlers Come support Foshay Learning Center's Music Department at A Mid Summer Night's Dream Showcase! Thursday, August 28, 2008 6-9 PM Foshay Auditorium Tickets: $3 Students purchase at the student store. Some tickets will be available at the door. This event will showcase Foshay's talent from both the students and the staff. Look forward to men juggling children, more Coldplay, and so much more! Contact Katherine Kouot at deadlydandelion[at]gmail[dot]com for more information.

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Introducing Toddlers to the Library

When many people think of libraries they remember the multiple times they were 'hushed' as a child. Years ago librarians were considered the 'library police' and often thought of as unfriendly old ladies out to prevent fun at all costs. Well luckily for today's children those times are past and a whole new world of library fun exists for your toddler. Toddlers - in the library? Yes! Toddlers love the library and as a parent you have the perfect opportunity to introduce your young child to new adventures in learning and literature.

Studies have shown that young children who are read to are more successful at learning to read, and what better place to light the spark of learning in your toddler than at the library. By introducing reading to your child at an early age you're setting the standard for making books a permanent part of their lives.

Children's librarian Patty Collins of the Dorothy Bramlage Public Library in Junction City Kansas says about today's libraries:

"The libraries of today aren't like those we used as kids. Many libraries have children's sections where noise, activity, and exploration are welcomed. Colored tubs on the floor or on low shelves contain board books and tray puzzles. Books filled with bold, colorful illustrations rest on low shelves to make them accessible at kid-height. Computers loaded with age appropriate games and child sized check-out desks make even the youngest users feel as though they have some ownership of their library"

For parents who are looking for fun ways to share books and reading with their toddler, story time is just the ticket. Children's librarians, often known as 'Story-Ladies', become favorite people in little kid's lives, leaving a warm memory of a fun library rather than a place where silence is the rule.

"Story times are like insurance for a library," Collins says. "Kids are often so excited about the books that were shared or the subject that was explored during story time, that they will want to check out books to take home and share their new-found knowledge with their parents and siblings. That 30 minutes with the Story-Lady can potentially lead to an entire week's worth of entertainment and learning for a two year old."

What can you do to further enrich your child's library experience? The American Library Association offers some tips:

o Ask about toddler story time at your local library.

o Check out books to read to your toddler at home.

o When you read to your toddler use an expressive voice.

o Make sure to hold the book so your toddler can easily see the pictures.

o Let your toddler handle the book and ask him to point out objects on the pages.

o When your toddler finds a favorite book, read it to him over and over again.

Take your toddler to the library and enroll him in story time so that he may experience a group reading program. Let your child help pick out his own books to take home. Snuggle up with your toddler and let him point out pictures and objects on the pages. Make time every day to read aloud to your child. Those special moments reading to your toddler are some of the most enjoyable times of the day, and by sharing books at an early age you set the stage for a lifetime of reading.

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Monday, December 27, 2010

Learning with Wooden Toys

There are many different types of children's toys that are designed for learning. Modern learning toys are often electronic with sounds and lights and are usually made of plastic. While these toys can be fun, there is still something to be said about classic wooden toys that both teach children and help to open up their imaginations. Years ago there were few alternatives to wooden toys and these types of toys amused and educated many small children. Wooden toys are made of durable materials, and are very safe as they usually do not contain small pieces or break easily. Wooden toys that are manufactured in recent years contain non toxic paint and will last for years. Wooden toys make great gifts and are a good investment as children for generations will be able to enjoy them.

Wooden puzzles are some of the most popular wooden toys and are appropriate for all ages. Wooden puzzles are beautiful, fun, and teach children a variety of skills. They are great for teaching hand eye coordination to even the youngest children who can easily master simple cut out puzzles. For older or more advanced children, more complex wooden puzzles are available and help to develop problem solving and matching skills.

There are many other types of educational wooden toys such as sequencing beads, blocks, and shape sorting toys. These types of toys teach many skills such as spatial reasoning, hand eye coordination, matching, shape and color identification, as well as lateral thinking skills. Young children do much of their learning through play and wooden toys are a great way to teach your children valuable skills as well as keep them entertained and having fun.

There are also wooden toys that help to develop fine and gross motor skills. Toddlers and young children love to explore the world around them and practice different type of motor skills. Picking up objects, pounding things, using simple tools, and manipulating toys are all ways in which young children develop fine motor skills. Wooden toys give many opportunities for children to practice these skills. Wooden blocks, beads, and shape sorting toys give children the opportunity to practice manipulating objects and help them to develop fine motor skills. Wooden pounding toys with pegs and a hammer are also a great way for children to develop fine motor skills, while having fun and sparing your other fine furniture. Wooden cars, trucks, and pull toys are great toys for developing gross motor skills. Children will get plenty of exercise pushing and pulling these toys as well as develop coordination from manipulating them.

Children of all ages can learn from wooden toys and they make great gifts for your children, grandchildren, or other young family members. Children of all ages will enjoy wooden toys; older children will enjoy the challenge of a classic wooden puzzle and even infants can enjoy the colors and texture of wooden blocks. Wooden toys are great for any child and are very durable, lasting for many years with proper care.

Tags : piano keyboard

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Online Audio Flashcards for Kids - Animals - Birds Visit for more interactive early education materials for toddlers, such as online audio flashcards, clickable word pictures, learning games, and videos for kids.

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Friday, December 24, 2010

When Toddlers Have Fun With Push Pull Toys

Handling toddlers can be a handful. They constantly move about, trying to explore every sight and thing they can get their hands on. There are tons of toys available for your active toddler's needs and delight.

One of which are push pull toys. They are great for letting children experiment, especially cause and effect relation. You may also notice that your child is fond of repeating everything she does when at play. By doing so, your kid will be able to practice and enhance his or her memory and developmental skills. Toddlers also love imitating what you do. These are their natural ways to learn and develop.

By this time and age, your child will be constantly practicing how to walk. Push pull toys are great because they engage children to learn how to step forward and backward. These toys will also assist them in standing while having fun. Remember to choose a toy that is age appropriate and is safe for your child. Make sure it is strong and durable. A good buy is something with a handle that your child can push and hop into like cars or wagons. Push pull toys gives your little one practice and to learn the nature and concept of balance independently.

Toys help in minds stimulation and body mechanics aside from letting your child have a great time playing. Push pull toys will help strengthen your child's arm and leg muscles. Other examples of these are toy carts, baby doll carriages, and a toy animal tied with a string and a lot more.

Along with the constant changes a child inevitably goes through, there are certain things that they themselves should be able to accomplish to mold them in preparation for the outside world. The critical days of learning mundane things like walking, crawling, speaking and the like lets them accomplish important developments such as independence. Children, especially toddlers, can never get tired of routinely plays and rituals.

Playing is an every day activity can never pass. Toddlers are interested in parallel play, meaning them solely play by themselves but alongside another child. Push pull toys are great ways to teach them about what happens when they do a certain step; that for every thing they do or accomplish, there will be an instant reaction or reward. They choose to play on their own because they are nurturing autonomy at this age. These kinds of toys help them stand on their own, strengthening their leg muscles as they do so.

Once they accomplish the task of standing, the next step is to learn how to walk. What better way than being able to push or pull these toys? Your child will be able to enjoy the experience while increasing their self-confidence. Pulling toys, on the other hand, enable them to give a little more effort to gain balance. Toys such as these make a toddler's mind be fascinated and let those wheels going. Not only will it facilitate thinking and learning but creativity as well. Push pull toys are great. Make sure you get the best and safest one for your child.

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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Toddler Summer Fun

There is a lot of time to be spent with your toddler this summer. Make it memorable, fun and a quality learning experience with these simple activities. Each activity will foster different areas of your toddler's developmental needs.

Activities do not need to be expensive or time consuming. As long as they are fun, then your toddler will greatly benefit. Not only will they benefit from the skills they learn, but also from spending quality time with a parent. This boosts their self-esteem and can set the pattern for a life-long love of learning.

The first activity is really fun and messy. This can be done outdoors or on a hard floor. Get washable paints and a big cardboard box. Collapse the box down to a flat floor of cardboard. You and your toddler can get paint on your feet and hands and decorate the box. Dance in the paint to music to make it more fun!

It is also fun to teach your toddler about how different things have tracks. Use push cars and trucks to make different tracks of paint all over the box. Get creative and use other things around the house to make prints. Different fruits and vegetables can be used, as well as things such as potato mashers, sponges and paintbrushes. When your artwork is done, have fun playing in the sprinkler together to get clean. When the cardboard is dry, tape the edges and cut out a door and window. Now you have a custom painted and built playhouse that your toddler can enjoy for days to come.

Another fun summer project is learning with water. This is fun, simple and practically free. Go into the yard with a bunch of containers from your kitchen. Bring a tea kettle, flower vase, colander, watering can, plastic soda bottles and other items that will be interesting to pour from. Pots or buckets can be used and you can even place targets, such as toys, into the buckets. Teach your toddler how to pour water from each container into the pots and buckets. When they all have water, talk about what sinks and what floats. Divide items into separate pots. You can sort by color, size, texture or whether or not the items sink or float. Use paint brushes, water guns and sponges to paint the fence or side of the house with water. You can have lots of safe water fun in the yard while spending quality learning time with your child.

Spend the summer doing similar activities outdoors. While indoors, take advantage of household chores to spend even more time together. Use stools so that your toddler can throw clothes into the washer or help you mix ingredients while cooking. Teach your toddler how to fold wash cloths and hang their own clothes on childrens clothes hangers. Mimicking adult behaviors helps your toddler to develop a healthy high self-esteem.

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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

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Monday, December 20, 2010

The Goddard School King Of Prussia, PA

The Goddard School King Of Prussia, PA , AFTER-SCHOOL , Child Care-Day Care Centers , FOR EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT , FULL & HALF DAY , FULL AND HALF-DAY PROGRAMS , Full and Half-Day Programs! , Goddard School Childcare: Nurtures a lifelong love of learning in a private setting. Goddard Schools provide a premiere preschool program throughout the US , Infant , Infants, Toddlers, Preschool, Pre- K , Kindergarten , Kindergarten, After- School, Summer , Preschool , Summer , Toddler

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Funny Puppet Skit - "Kissed by a Squirrel" - A new children's song

Yellowtail fish, a puppet by Puppet Rescue gets kissed by a Squirrel. This is a new kids song and funny puppet skit that teaches and entertains babies and toddlers. A great pre-school and kindergarten song.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Learn Chinese for Kids - 600 Words Book Set for Touch Reading Pen at ChildBook

Available at Three books with basic Chinese vocabulary for toddlers and pres-schoolers. Made to be used with the Touch Reading Pen. Just point the Touch Reading Pen at any word or picture, and the pen pronounces the word correctly! Children will get excited and love to learn Chinese with this toy. For more details, visit

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Friday, December 10, 2010

Six Things You Should Know About Your Five Year Old

Parents of toddlers witness their children go from unsteady pre-walkers to confident children. Children grow tremendously from one year to the next and the foundation for lifelong learning is laid early during this time of growth. Five year olds have very Different needs than toddlers as they begin to master the skills they have learned and understand more complex ideas.

There are some common behaviors that most five year olds share but remember no matter where your child is developmentally every child is different. Five year olds are naturally inquisitive and have a never ending appetite for knowledge. Here are six things you should know about your five year old and how to help them continue on their journey or learning.

Five year olds like to invent games and pretend, and still have very active imaginations and even imaginary friends. They will often change or make up rules as they go along and can invent very intricate scenarios to play out with their friends.

Five year olds develop deep and lasting friendships with other children and becoming "best friends" is something that is important to many children this age. Children this age may also exclude other children from play and name calling and other teasing may surface.

Even though many five year olds will begin to experiment with teasing, they also become more sensitive to feelings of others. They can empathize with others and are more likely to have their feelings hurt than younger children or become embarrassed.

Five year olds are also able to interact in larger groups and follow instructions as well as possess longer attention spans. They are better equipped to interact and cooperate in a class setting with many other students than younger children.

Five year olds have learned so much that they are often eager to show off their knowledge but become embarrassed by mistakes easily. With all their knowledge they can also be critical of others and quick to correct or offer their insight.

Most five year olds start school at this age and they are capable of remembering their full name, address and phone number. This is important information all five year olds should know when they start school.

You have watched your child grow from a tiny baby to a child with an insatiable appetite for learning. Parents of toddlers face new challenges as their children get older, learn new things, and master new skills.

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Thursday, December 9, 2010

Toddler Lesson Plans - Crucial Role of Lesson Plans For Early Childhood Education

The goal of most parents is for their children to become productive members of society. It is essential to train a child from the beginning in order for this goal to be achievable. The training should be developed through toddler lesson plans to help prepare the child for early childhood education. In addition, the child will need to be taught moral and behavioral values. The key is using fun methods to teach the child lessons to remember into adulthood.

If you are a parent and planning to teach your child lessons then you must possess some qualities for the training to be successful. It important for a parent to be patient, believe in the child's abilities and understand child psychology. Furthermore, this article will focus on the different types of lesson plans for a toddler. It is important to develop activities for toddles that will be academic and teach creativity. For example, the lesson plans should involve activities like music, learning the different colors, painting and learning the different shapes. Many of the activities listed can be taught through a fun game. Introducing the child to the game will allow learning to be fun but educational. If you want to get the child interested in singing then teach the child several fun songs. Many children really enjoy the song "Old McDonald" because of the sounds and movements involved with singing the song. Also, you can invite other children to participate in the activities.

For instance, a lesson plan can be develop to give singing lessons to your children and any children invited to the activity. Many children tend to show more interest in learning if their peers are involved in the activities. There are a variety of toddler lesson plans that can be used to teach colors. You can start by showing the child the different kinds of colors. In addition, you can make a game out of finding colors in the home. For instance, you can show the child the color blue and ask the child to find something blue inside of the home. Also, the same methods can be used to teach the child about art and painting. First, you should find an area in the home like the refrigerator to display the child's drawings. It can make a child feel special and accomplished by having the child's drawing displayed for the family. You can draw a sample drawing for the child and have the child draw a similar drawing.

When the child has completed the drawing, the drawing should be placed on the refrigerator. Drawing can be used to teach the child other subjects like math. Moreover, it's important to ask the child questions and find lessons plans that will help the child pick up the information. There are so many lesson plans that can be develop for toddlers such as science, math, weather, time and lessons that teach values. Parents are their children first teachers and will continue throughout life to be teachers to their children. It is important for parents to prepare their children for Early Childhood Education. Furthermore, toddler lesson plans helps the child to develop into a young adult and prepares the child for Pre School.

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Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Twin Parks Montessori, New York City, Toddlers

Infants enjoying their snack at one of the Twin Parks Montessori Schools on the Upper West SIde of New York City.

Visit : global furniture

Monday, December 6, 2010

Qualifications and Competencies in Education

Uffe Elbaek, Founder of the KaosPilots, speaks to on the importance of students learning how to be qualified and competent in their lives. He was a presenter at the People for Education Annual Conference at York University on Saturday, November 7, 2009.

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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Preschool Activities-Preschool Education Activities

Preschool activities and preschool education resources and ideas for teaching preschoolers and toddlers. http

Tags : Maintenance Kits Sony netbook computers

Friday, December 3, 2010

Teaching Toddlers About Food

Most two year olds are typical toddlers. They have unpredictable behavior patterns, "the terrible twos". During this growing period the foods they choose to eat can change from one minute to the next. So how do we teach them about healthy eating at such a young age?

For a normal healthy child one to two years old, there is a general pattern of development that occurs.

1 to ½ years of age:

1. They can grasp and release foods with their fingers.

2. They will be able to hold a spoon, even though they will not be able to use it very well.

3. They can us a small cup, but are not agile enough to pick it up and let it go very well.

4. They will want to eat foods that they see others eating. This is a good time to introduce new foods to them.

½ to 2 years of age:

1. They eat less food than babies and children 2 years and up.

2. They like to eat with their hands.

3. They have their favorite foods, and will insist on having those foods over and over.

4. They do become easily distracted. It is a world of learning and wonderment.

2 years of age:

1. They can hold a cup more readily.

2. They can chew a wider variety of foods.

3. They have developed preference for certain types of foods.

You are very apt to find yourself struggling with your child over food. This is a normal occurrence, which tests many parents' patience levels. Just remember to stay patient and understanding during this time. They will have a tendency to make quite a mess as they are learning to feed themselves. Plus they will be attempting to become more independent by trying to make their own decisions about the foods they want to eat. Meal and snack times should be served at regular intervals each day, but allow you some flexibility.

If you find that you are struggling with your child over food, remember your reactions and actions will control the outcome of the struggle. Just keep in mind that you are trying to serve your child the healthiest foods possible and are trying to instill good food choices for now and in the future.

Helpful Tips:

1. Serve meals on your child's favorite plate, bowl, cup, and eating utensils.

2. Stay relaxed, patient, and understanding.

3. Continue to offer new foods even if they reject it over and over. Repetition is a good learning tool.

4. Try to create a pleasant, quite, relaxed mealtime. This is a good time for teaching and learning.

Toddlers can head strong and temper tantrums may ensue. But remember never use food as punishment or as reward. Assess the situation. Make calm decisions. A healthy toddler, who is experiencing growing pains, will not go without food for long. They may not consume all of three meals a day, but between snack time and balanced meals throughout the day they will consume enough to keep them healthy.

Tags : Double Jogging Strollers

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Toddler Milestones - Is Your 19-21 Month Old on Track?

There are so many factors that contribute to what your toddler can and can not do at this point. Some children are simple more physically developed while others are more developed in the language area. Of course there are those toddlers who seem to just do and know it all! This guide will help you to determine which toddler milestones that you should be looking for in your toddler and which ones you can look forward to in the coming months.

Toddler Milestones: Month 19
o Creates phrases or short sentences rather than using one word phrases
o Can use a fork or spoon (most toddlers will use a fork first)
o Imitate adult actions such as cooking or driving
o Stack and sort blocks and toys

Toddler Milestones: Month 20
o Use around 50 words to express themselves
o Use simple sentences such as "There you go" or "Come on Momma!"
o Can undress and possibly dress himself
o Will learn new words rapidly
o Play ball but probably won't be able to catch
o Interested in opening cabinet and outside doors

Toddler Milestones: Month 21
o Name body parts such as hair, elbow and nose
o Walk up and down stairs (always help your toddler on the stairs!)
o Recognize and name people or pets in pictures or in their presence
o Forming more and more sentences to express wants and needs
o Is becoming aware of the potty and is able to control their bladder in some instances.

If your child isn't meeting these toddler milestones on time, remember that his development isn't on set schedule. This is simply a guide that represents what an average toddler of this age can do. You might see these developmental milestones happen more quickly or slowly in your own children. If you are concerned about your toddler's development, contact your pediatrician.

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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Peter the Great acquirements to stand

Peter looking like a drunk, or do drunks look like toddlers? This is where he sort of succesfully uses the bed to learn about his feet and Isaac Newton.

See Also : Elliptical Trainers 

Monday, November 29, 2010

Brooke McClung - Party in the USA

9-year-old pageant princess Brooke McClung. Brooke was featured in the Season Three finale of Toddlers and Tiaras. I don't own anything; I got the clips from Toddlers and Tiaras and the pictures on the Internet. The songs are Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus and Magic by Selena Gomez. Please keep in mind that this is only my second fan vid and that I'm still learning how to make them. So no mean comments about my video or about Brooke or Pageants, as they will be deleted.

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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Activities for Active Toddler Boys

My husband and I have been blessed with twin boys. Our boys are
18 months old now, and I often tell my husband that God must have
a sense of humor to give someone twin toddler boys. Some days it
doesn't seem very funny!

Yesterday, during the same 15 minute phone call, one son decided
to crawl up onto a chair and then the dining room table, and I
found the other one in his bedroom where he had pulled out all of
his dresser drawers, climbed up the drawers, and was standing on
top of his dresser looking down into his fish tank. There is
never a dull moment in our home.

During the past few months I have discovered what my boys most
love to do and what keeps them busy for even short periods of
time. I have geared my ideas toward boys because they normally
have higher activity levels, but I'm sure these ideas would work
great for girls too!

It is well known that kids love to play with everything except
their toys, and I have definitely found this to be true with my
boys. Many of their favorite activities are inexpensive or even

Toddlers love music. Many babies will begin to dance to music
before they're even a year old. There are many great CD's out
there for toddlers. A couple of our favorites are Wee Sing Silly
Songs and Veggie Tales. Nursery rhymes are always great too. We
have found many CD's at yard sales or half price at stores that
sell used CD's. My boys enjoy dancing to music during the day,
and like to have it playing softly in the background while they
go to sleep. Make sure to put your CD player up out of their
reach. I have to get a shelf to put mine up on the wall because
my boys can now climb up to anywhere else I have found to put it.
They have become very fascinated with taking CD's in and out of
it and pushing all of the buttons!

My boys love to play with water. I bought them a wading pool
this year but they were hardly interested in it at all. They
much preferred playing in a little sprinkler in the shape of a
turtle. Bath time is also a favorite time. They hardly play
with any of the bath toys I bought them. Their favorite bath
toys are small Tupperware containers and plastic measuring cups.
The store-bought bath toys they do enjoy, however, are little
plastic cups that have holes in the bottom so that the water runs
through them. They also love going to the river and throwing
rocks in the water. Just don't let them out of your sight for a
second, or they will quite suddenly decide to go for a swim.
Swimming lessons seem to have done a great job of eliminating
their fear of water! The boys also spend hours playing in a
small water fountain we have in our back yard.

Books are great for even the most active boys. We bought many
board books for our boys and read to them for months before they
really showed an interest in them. When they were about 15
months old they began to bring us books to read to them. One of
our boys is obsessed with cars, trucks, and tractors, and the
other one loves animals. After seeing these images over and over
in books they now are pointing them out to us when we drive
around town. One of our sons goes nuts every time we drive by an
excavator or back hoe. One word of caution, however. Whoever
said board books are indestructible didn't know what they were
talking about. Our boys have destroyed several of their board
books by ripping the pictures off the cardboard. Most of the
damage is done when they are reading to themselves in bed, so
these books need adult supervision just like any other book.

Make sure you take your boys outside at least once a day. Every
morning I take the boys for a walk around the neighborhood in
their double stroller. If you are a working mom, take your boys
out for some fresh air in the evenings or on the weekend. The
boys enjoy the ride and mom gets some exercise too. One of my
sons points out all the airplanes that fly overhead, and that is
one of the highlights of his day. I also found the boys a play
golf set at Walmart (for about $5). They love to run around the
yard trying to hit the plastic golf balls, and it is great for
improving their coordination.

My boys' favorite toys are their cars, trucks, and tractors.
They love pushing them around on the floor and making motor
noises. You can easily find inexpensive toy cars at yard sales
and thrift stores that will give your toddler boys hours of fun.

To fully interact with and engage your toddler, you have to
figure out their personality. One of my boys loves to help mom
and do whatever I'm doing. Whenever I ask him to help me do
something he gives me a big smile and pitches right in. My other
son has no interest whatsoever in helping me...boring!! He has
too many other exciting things to explore. To get his attention
I ask him to show me what he is doing and participate in whatever
is interesting him at the moment. He loves to point at things
and have me tell him what they are.

Don't forget that your boys love to play with mom and dad and
need lots of love and affection. They love it when you play cars
with them or read to them. Some of our favorite moments have
been spent lying on the floor with two toddlers crawling all over
us giving us lots of big hugs and kisses.

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Toddler's acquirements Video

Since I am home everyday and bored out of my wits, I decided to make this video for my 2 year old son ( I also have a 9 mos son who likes to shake his booty to my voice) I use this as a video tool to encourage pre-school learning for my toddler

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Study: More Children Aren't Able to Speak by Age Three Children are reaching the age of 3 without being able to say a word, according to a survey that also found boys are almost twice as likely to struggle to learn to speak as girls. The average age for a baby to speak their first word is 10 to 11 months. However, a significant minority (4 per cent) of parents reported that their child said nothing until they were 3. Toddlers between the ages of 2 and 3 should be able to use up to 300 words, including adjectives, and be able to link words together, according to I CAN, the childrens communication charity. Late speech development can lead to problems, such as low achievement at school or mental health problems. The survey of more than 1000 parents found that a childs background was not a factor in how quickly they learnt to talk. Working parents who put their babies in day care are just as likely to have a child whose speech develops late as those who leave their baby in front of the television. Related Links Communication is a vital skill for children Young children lack basic language skills Primary schools hire bankers to teach maths Virginia Beardshaw, the chief executive of I CAN, said that learning to talk required help and encouragement. We know there is a golden period for developing childrens communication between 0 and 5 and that early intervention is vital if children are struggling, she said. Chatting to your child, playing word games, pointing things out and having fun together every day all ...

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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Learning Through Play With Traditional Toys

Parents are becoming more and more conscious of the huge benefits to be found in classic, educational toys. This has been led in part by the findings of Government advisors which have created a set of guiding principles called the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS).   

These principles emphasise the critical importance of play in developing the mental and emotional characteristics in our children. Through play children learn from their environment, gather and process information, learn how to express themselves and develop relationships with adults and children. 

Children's brains and bodies are developing all the time, even before birth. They are thirsty for knowledge and seek to learn from their environment. Virtually every experience a child has in its early years could be classed as educational. As they experience things for the first time they are learning how things feel, smell, taste and respond to touch. Every new parent actively encourages this learning process by seeking out toys that encourage children to explore and develop their skills. 

To encourage this inquisitiveness in children parents need to find toys that make use of all these skills whilst making the learning aspect as fun and stimulating as possible. Toys that encourage children to explore the world such as push and pull along vehicles, building blocks, baby walkers, activity centres and rattles will help to develop many skills and keep the child entertained in the process. Children will gain confidence by using their senses to fully explore each and every toy, and will also learn how it interacts with the environment and 'what happens if I do this?' 

As the progression into toddler commences, so will their desire to interact more with people and their surroundings. It is about this age that children will begin to love building things, and become fascinated with knocking them over. Toddlers will become enthralled by dressing up and role play. What little boy doesn't like dressing up as a fireman or a doctor? This activity sees them begin to use their imagination as they start to act out scenes they have copied from the world around them. Toys that support this process such as fire engine play sets or a medical kit will bring their imagination on in leaps and bounds. 

Slightly older toddlers become intrigued by problem solving. This is where puzzles and building toys like Mega Blocks or Lego come into their own. They will also become more interested in make and do, especially messy make and do. Crayons, colouring pens, paint and play dough will be a regular feature on the dining room table and most probably the carpet. 

The onset of the school years brings a more physical development in children. Outdoor play is actively encouraged and trips to the park will become a regular feature.   Toys that encourage this development are a sure-fire hit with children, such as bikes, scooters, roller skates and skate boards. They will also require greater mental stimulation and this can be provided by the many brilliant science and nature kits that are available. 

Nowadays many toy advertisers want the customer to think their toy is the best educational toy out there, simply because it has the most bells and whistles and requires the most amounts of batteries. However the majority of these toys have little educational value as the lights, sounds and bells and whistles act as a distraction and prevent the child using their own imagination to interact with the toy. 

More and more parents are turning their backs on these 'all singing all dancing' toys and are discovering that traditional toys help develop their children in ways that plastic toys cannot.

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Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Pillars of a Preschool Curriculum

Like every parent, the time will come for you to send your toddler to preschool. This occasion is both an exciting and terrifying time for you and your toddler. But you need not worry too much about it. The best that you can do is prepare your toddler (and yourself) so that the transition from having your child with you all the time to her spending a few hours away would not be so difficult and traumatic.

The preschool curriculum is one of the important features that you should care about when choosing a daycare or preschool for your little one.

The preschool curriculum must include the following in able for your toddler to get the most benefits in learning:

Strong program that supports development of comprehension, drawing inferences and your toddler's ability to make predictions.
A syllabus that will enhance their problem solving skills.
Programs and courses that develops their inter-translate skills so that your toddler learns how to express herself through language. Improve their productive and receptive language.
Must have a section in the curriculum where your toddler's self-management skills such as attention management, comprehension monitoring and persistence are built up.

The sets of skills mentioned are very important to have as a learning foundation for your toddler. It will help her prepare for the demands that she will encounter later on in her education as well as in life.

How To Choose A Daycare That Offers The Best Preschool Curriculum

Select a preschool that offers a different curriculum for different ages. A preschool curriculum appropriate to your child's age will offer the most benefits.
Select a preschool curriculum that can offer your child the most experience and exposure in terms of learning. Writing, Reading and Arithmetic are the basic subjects that must be included in the preschools' curriculum.
A preschool that you are comfortable with is most of the time the right choice for you and your toddler. Ensure that the preschool curriculum have most of the features that you are looking for. Explore all your options and choose the best one.

Recommendations from friends and other parents will also help with your decision. A good preschool will always have great reputation.

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Monday, November 22, 2010

Toddler Relaxation Techniques - Proven Methods To Relax Your Child

To a parent all they see is their toddler playing all day, when he is really working hard so his life isn't at all stress free. It takes a lot to learn how to walk, talk, climb and other milestones that your child is ready to reach. He is pushing his limits beyond his physical strength and for learning mentally. Every day he will hurt himself as he is learning, often falling down and bumping himself, which comes as a surprise. Your toddler will keep trying until he gets frustrated and angry when he fails as he is not able to balance him to take the falls or know when to stop trying. He will soon get exhausted by the end of it all.

When your toddler is involved in his favourite routine task or activity, he will get overtired and need to sleep to restore his energy. As excitement and tension build up so he will reach a point where he is physically exhausted, and not know when to stop. As it gets towards evening and your child has had a physically active day, you will want to help him make wind down to a quiet, peaceful and tranquil night. Quiet activities will ease him to a more relaxed state after his dinner time. You could get him to colour some pictures, or read books, watch a quiet video, sing some lullabies or some quiet play at his bath time. Your child will start to relax, ready for his bedtime routine. Once your child gets used to these daily activities, he can then associate them with activities that are done before bedtime. He will look forward to a comforting night and knows when it is time for bed soon enough..

Learn to relax with your toddler, so that your child follows suit. Busying yourself in the kitchen, or doing other household chores, will make sure your child want to busy himself too as he watches you. The last thing you want is an active child during his bedtime routine, which can be frustrating for both parents.

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Your Toddler's Bad Behavior is Not Your Fault! Here's How to Take Responsibility Anyway

Toddlers are at a great age, developmentally. They are right between being a baby and a child: really they are just at the stage where they are learning to be "human."

In the process they will want to express their desires, their displeasure, and their needs. These are all good things that we need to express as members of a human society. Problem is, a lot of toddlers don't have the language yet to express what they want or need in terms we adults understand. And it's true, sometimes to them the world seems oh-so-unfair.

That's when you see a tantrum. Not being able to control your environment completely plus lack of language skills equals screaming, crying, kicking and (sometimes) biting.

And guess what? It's not your fault. You're not a bad parent. Your kids are doing just what they're supposed to do: grow up, at their own pace.

So don't worry about your son or daughter if there is a flare up of terrible twos temper. It's natural! It is part of growing up.

There are ways, however, that you may want to use to communicate to your toddler in their terms, using language skills that they understand, so that neither you nor your child has to endure a tantrum.

Change the Environment: Taking your child out of the heat of the moment may change the tone of the tantrum or diffuse it entirely.

Be Firm, but Control your Own Temper: Don't let your toddler bring you into a yelling competition. Instead, use a quiet, calming but serious voice

Be Consistent: If you say that you won't buy candy at the supermarket, stick to your guns. Don't succumb to bargaining. (Kids are excellent bargainers!)

Congratulate Good Behavior! At the free school where I work with truant children, we "celebrate the good." If you catch your child having good behavior, celebrate with hugs and high fives! Nurture what you want to grow.

Finally, and of course, tell your child that you love them. As parents, our love is unconditional. We don't love our kids because of good behavior, or turn off our love for bad behavior. We can disapprove of the behavior and still love the child. Make sure your little one has plenty of assurance that he or she is loved...regardless of any tantrums they may "naturally" have.

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Friday, November 19, 2010

Toddler Preschool - Expectations and Abilities

The single most important thing to remember if you have a toddler preschool setting is that Play is never frivolous.  It is THE most effective way a toddler learns; it is essential. The best part is that PLAY can be enhanced.  This is where you, the preschool teacher, provide the opportunities to turn play into the best learning environment possible. 


The term, toddler, covers a wide age range and ability range.  I define toddler as between 18 and 30 months of age. My time with toddlers is governed by the following facts:

1.  Hands-on experiences are the best and why I prefer play to "worksheets".

2.  Toddlers have emotions similar to adult emotions but their thought processes are quite different.  Meet them on their level.

3.  Toddlers emotions are close to the surface.  I compare them to a light switch--one minute happy and the next sad.  They can go from calm to agitated in seconds. 

4.  Patience is the most important word I use to describe how to deal with toddlers.  Stay calm and help them to learn of their own abilities to deal with their feelings.

5.  Toddlers will play-with us or without us.  It is our role to enhance the play when it is supportive and to intervene or change the situation if it appears too difficult and exceeds their abilities.

6.  Toddlers can't see things or understand things "from another person's point of view". They are busy establishing their autonomy.

Keep these in mind when you are planning your activities and your days with your two year olds will flow and be rewarding for them and for you.


Toddlers need to have playmates around.  Even though they may not play with another person at this age, they are always paying attention to what is going on around them and what their peers are doing. They are learning how to be independent.  They are learning that they have power to do things or not do things.  Allow them to experience this and the consequences of their actions.  **Note: this helps to explain why SHARING is often difficult.  If they are establishing their own sense of self it is hard for them to share with another.  This is a gradual process and improves closer to three years of age or older.

These are all tips that help me with the toddler age. Remembering that they may not be able to play with but play next to, that they may not be able to share at this time but can take guidance on social interaction are concepts that  will make your  toddler preschool planning successful. 

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Thursday, November 18, 2010

Raising Kids - Learning to Be Patient!

Raising kids has never been an easy task and it is definitely a task that requires parents to be very patient! If you are a parent or a teacher yourself, you will know what I mean by that. It is true to say that patience is a virtue but in no way does it mean that it is an inborn quality. In fact, patience can be learned over time and I'm saying it from experience!

With a little effort and some humor to amuse yourself over past events that had annoyed you at that time, you will slowly be able to learn to be patient. I know because I have a pair of twins (a girl and a boy) and they have totally different characters. If you have children, you will know how difficult it is to raise one kid but two of the same age can really drive you though the roof sometimes! So what can you do to develop patience?

First and foremost, you must first learn to be patient with yourself. Why do I say that? This is because it is impossible for everything to go the way you have planned, so you must not blame yourself for everything that had gone wrong and remember to show tolerance too. However, you must also not fall into the trap of self-content! Happily for children, adults are mature persons and know, most of the times, to keep their nerves under control. It is vital not to raise your voice at your kids when they have done anything wrong, otherwise they will grow up thinking that they have to shout to get things done. You need to impose your wants with a calm but firm tone, regardless of what the problem is.

The next thing you should keep in mind not to overwhelm yourself with perspective problems. Try not to think of tomorrow. Focus only on immediate problems, because if you do otherwise you will only worry a lot more and you will get upset easier. That is not going to help you to develop your patience because only with a lower level of stress can you inflict more patience internally.

What you need to do is to explain things calmly to your child. Tell him what your expectations of him are and how he can rise up to your expectations. It is important to note that you should not blame him for the mistakes made. Instead, you should explain what he had done wrong and how he should behave instead. Depending on his age, it is vital not to ask of him more than he can give you.

Children sometimes seem to try on purpose to test the limits of their parents' patience. If you feel that this is what your little one is doing, ask yourself what might have pushed him to this. Maybe he is trying to cover some frustration, maybe he wants revenge for a moment when you were unfair or maybe he feels neglected and he's only trying to get your attention. You need to find out the reasons behind what he is doing before you can find a remedy for the problem. Simply reprimanding him is not going to solve the problem.

Maybe it would be best if you look at the problem from his point of view for a change: if he won't learn to make himself a patient person, then he probably won't try to help you on this. So that comes to the question of how can you make your child become a patient person? Well, there are indeed a few things that you can do to nurture that patience in your child and below are some suggestions that you can use.

1. Teach him to plant a tree or to take care of a flower. That will train him to be patient until he sees the results of his work as he will have to wait for the plant to grow up.

2. Play interactive games with him as this will teach him to wait until his turn comes. Preferably, have more players for the game as he will have to wait longer for his turn!

3. If he wants a bike, give money, a little a time, and tell him to save them for that bike. Of course you will be the one that will give him the present, but your child will learn to have patience and, at the same time, the value of money. Teach him to allocate a portion of his weekly allowance for the bike.

4. Read to him thick books and long stories, leaving to follow-up for the next evening. Do not give in to his pleads to find out the ending in the same evening. This will not only develop his patience, but will also build up his love for reading as well!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Teaching Your Toddler How to Brush Teeth Correctly

It's never too early to begin teaching your children how to brush their teeth correctly. Even the smallest toddler is capable of learning this simple task. Not sure where to begin your first tooth-brushing lesson?

Here are a few pointers offered by seasoned parents.

Step # 1: Show your child how to hold the toothbrush.

It may seem instinctual to us adults, but believe it or not, toddlers honestly do not know the proper way to hold their toothbrush. So be sure to begin by showing them the proper way to hold that toothbrush - with their thumb on the underside of the handle and the bristles facing their teeth!

Step # 2: Demonstrate proper technique.

Kids love to mimic mommy and daddy, so take a few minutes to show your children how you brush your teeth. GO slowly now. You want them to learn to take their time to brush each tooth. If you rush through your demonstration, they will likely race trough their own brushing.

Step # 3: Teach them about all of their teeth.

The biggest mistake new brushers make it to either brush only the front teeth; or only the bottoms. Those poor side teeth rarely get the attention they deserve. Be sure to tell your kids all about their front, top, back, and bottom teeth in order to help them remember to brush them all. Some parents make up silly rhymes or songs to help their kids remember, while others simply explain what the job of each type of tooth is to make them realize how important each tooth really is.

Step # 4: Be sure to give your child the right sized toothbrush.

Kids (especially small ones) need a special kids sized toothbrush in order to brush correctly. Be sure to buy the size that best fits your child's growing mouth.

Step # 5: Start with a non-fluoridated toothpaste.

Toddlers rarely understand the importance of not swallowing while brushing, so be sure to use only non-fluoridated toothpaste until your child is old enough to brush without swallowing. While the right amount of fluoride is good for growing teeth; too much can permanently stain them.

Step # 6: Make it easy to reach the sink.

A child can't brush correctly if they are straining to reach the sink. To avoid the 3-second tooth brushing, be sure to get your child a step stool so they can easily stand at the sink, fill their cup with water and rinse properly. Like the other tools you give your child for brushing, a step stool to help them get high enough up to the sink to feel comfortable is essential to ensure a good tooth brushing session.

When looking for a step stool, make sure that it lifts your child to just the right height (not too far and not too low) and is easy to move in the bathroom (a lightweight model is best).

Learning how to brush your teeth is an important skill that every child must learn, so why not do your best to help make the job as simple and fun as possible?

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Monday, November 15, 2010

Is Your Toddler Hitting Others?

What can you do about it? The first step in learning how to deal with this problem is to understand what's going on inside your child's head. Why is your toddler hitting others? What is motivating him to do so?

Let's take a look at some of the reasons:

o Experimentation with cause and effect - Toddlers love to experiment with cause and effect. What happens if you hit someone? They have no prior experience to fall back on, therefore they have no idea that hitting someone can cause harm or pain, or that they can make their victim cry. To them hitting isn't "bad". It's just another form of experimentation.

o To get attention - Some toddlers believe that by hitting someone else (such as a sibling), they will get their parent's attention. This is the child's way of telling Mommy and Daddy, "Hey I'm hitting so-and-so. Look at me. Pay attention to me!"

o Self-centeredness - Children view themselves as being the center of the universe. Everything revolves around them. Therefore, hitting another child is really all about "me" and "my" needs. They don't understand that the world does not't revolve around them and that other kids also have rights and have feels too.

o Lack of knowledge of how to deal with conflict - Toddlers may not have this concept of how to engage in conflict resolution in a civilized manner. To them, if another child poses a threat (such as by not sharing toys), then they only know how to physically deal with the threat.

Okay, so now that we have explored some of the reasons why is your toddler hitting others, let's take a look at some of the do's and don'ts for how to deal with this malignant behavior:

o Whatever you do, do not punish your child by hitting him or spanking him. That just sends out the wrong message, that he is being punished for hitting another child by being hit. You are sending your child mixed signals that hitting is sometimes okay. If you are trying to teach your child about self-control in certain situations, then you need to practice self-control as well.

o Anticipate the situations that increase your child's tendency to start hitting. Is your child overstimulated, tired, hungry, or ill? Learn to take care of your child's needs and steer your child in the right direction, to help him avoid getting into a situation that might induce him to want to start hitting other kids.

o Teach your child how to engage in conflict resolution in a civil manner. When a conflict occurs, you could give your child a "time out" and use that opportunity to explain to your child that what he did is wrong or bad. Explain to him that you understand how he feels and that you empathize with him that the other child took his toy, for example. But explain that hitting is not the appropriate way to respond, but that he should respond assertively in an appropriate manner.

The key to dealing with toddler hitting problems is to first understand why is your toddler hitting others.

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Saturday, November 13, 2010

Toddler Crafts - Increase Their Imagination and Learning Skills With Crafts

One aspect of toddlers' lives that many parents forget about is their imaginative life. Parents can fulfill this by planning different toddler craft projects for their children. These projects do not have to be extensive and difficult, but rather a simple craft that your child will enjoy. Another reason this is a good idea is because you can make the crafts be educational if you want. Because your child will be having fun, they will not even realize how much they are learning. If you are not the crafty person yourself, you still can involve crafts in your child's life.

The easiest way to incorporate a toddler craft into your daily or weekly routine is by basing it around the seasons and holidays. You do not even have to really put much thought into it this way because all you have to do is think about what is the next upcoming holiday. Not only will your child enjoy making holiday-related crafts, you also will be able to teach your child about the different holiday traditions. This also is a great way to teach your toddler about the different seasons. Because they are having fun, they will not think of it as learning.

Similar to the season craft idea, you also can make a toddler craft that goes along with the seasons. For instance, for spring you can make bird houses. This is a great idea because you are able to teach your child about the different birds that will flock to the house. You could even extend it so your child can keep a diary about what birds go to the house. Similar to this idea is to paint a planter box and choose a plant or flower to plant. Your child can then watch in marvel as the plant grows over the weeks. This is a great idea for spring but it is different from tradition because you are not crafting pictures of flowers growing.

Even if your child goes off to day care during the day, it still is important for you as a parent to have a toddler craft lined up for the weekends. Because your child is so small, their tiny minds are growing all the time. You cannot leave it completely up to the day care. It also is a great way to bond with your child. At this young age, they remember the smallest things. When you do crafts with them, they will remember this for years.

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Thursday, November 11, 2010

1 Step, 2 Step Your Baby is Learning to Walk

The first thing you want to keep in mind is your child knows when they are ready for anything and everything. Being too pushy can sometimes backfire, but not being modivated can have the same effect as well. Take it slow, and remember these are the moments we have waited for, don't rush them.

Start off simple, around the house, going to the car, or while playing in a park. Get your child into the idea that walking is way better than hitching a ride with someone. Sing songs that have to do with walking, or make some of your own. Personally your child won't know if the song you sing is a real song or not but the fact that you are singing it with joy brings joy to them as well. They do work on balance as they try to walk, so it does all come in together.

For those of you who aren't creative with songs here is a song made up on my own! (nothing amazing to it)

"Walking, Walking
Walking up and down the street
Walking, Walking
Walking to the beat"

Watch for signs that your child may be tired, like if he/she constantly sits down, that's ok, their little legs can handle so much before getting the hang of things. Remember this is supposed to be fun, if you feel yourself starting to get a bit frustrated call it quits, just for a bit. Take a break, eat a snack or change a diaper and let them try a walker instead.

Walkers are a great investment when your child is beginning to walk. Now most would say it can delay your child, but personally each child is different. Some benefit while others it can delay but it is up to you, the parents, to know the difference. No one knows your child more than you! Place them in the walker for a few minutes at a time, play tag with them even though they don't move much. Try peek-a-boo but from a distance to modivate the baby to come to you. Dancing always got my girls to go, go, go. There isn't a song my girls won't dance to. Its a great way to let stress go, lose weight, and have fun all while teaching your children. And don't worry about looking like a fool, the only fool there is is the one who isn't having fun with their children. Honest, I twist and dance like no one is watching when in reality there are two pairs of eyes staring at me like "Mommy, are you ok?"

Like I said before and a few times, this is supposed to be fun. The first moments in our childrens lives are the last of the firsts. Enjoy it, take photos, videos, show the world how great your child is. Once you put in time to help your toddler the rest becomes a breeze, until the pre-teen days!

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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Felt Board Activity - The Shape Song - Littlestorybug This felt board activity will be a real hit with your preschooler as they learn about shapes and colors. They will learn the square, the rectangle, the circle, and the triangle as they sing along.

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Saturday, November 6, 2010

A dozen learning activities for young children

Learning knows no age. Even small children should learning activities should as parents. Make sure that you introduce these activities to your child. You need not buy expensive things and go far places just know that, do and learn it. Roam around your house and you get information you will find many things, including vintage fabrics, some of which little children can be used to enter your. There are also affordable terms and places that can help.Here are some of them:

Puzzle - This is certainly the development of your child in mind. Make sure the puzzle pieces that has to buy. Remember this is for a beginner who happens to be a child, so make it easier for him the first time.

Books - read his books. There is no better way to make learning and reading and to improve the child's imagination, but books.

Zoo - Bring him to a zoo. While roaming around the place to discuss with him the kinds of animals youto see.

Old Telephone - Give him your old phone. Teach him to dial phone numbers and say 'hello'.

Shape sorters - Buy him one. Play with him. Do it first, then, ask him to do it next. Run the forms one by one.

Paper animals create - Animals out of paper. Teach him how to do it as well. Make sure you do this easy. Run the animals to him one by one. To be fascinating to your child, teach him the sound of each animal.

Maps -Make cards for each letter and numbers. Tell him what those letters and numbers and ask them to repeat what you say. After a while, let him know the numbers and letters in his own.

Toy Laptop - This will also give you the opportunity to introduce him to the letters and numbers.

Coloring Books - coloring books and colors now. Teach him to keep the colors and the color of the pictures in the books.

Home Computer - There are many games for young children.Choose one that is sure to capture the interest of your child. Do this together and he will get involved, before you know it, he has been playing its own game.

Ice cream sticks (or something similar) - Give him this colorful ice cream sticks one by one. Every time when you give him a stock count aloud. Ask him to repeat after you.

Cooking Toys - Buy used their toys to a boil. Identify each piece to her. Inform them where everyone will use the piece. Teach her the most basicCooking. This is one of the most interesting activities for young children.

Really, these activities are not only possible to play your child but also to learn. Make sure you include one hundred percent activities for you to determine this in your child's learning progress. You will soon feel rewarded knowing that your child has learned something.

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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

How often have children learn about sexual orientation in school?

The panel will discuss how we talk about children in elementary school about sexual orientation. 10 percent of the population is gay and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender families are on the rise. But we rarely find these families in Ontario elementary schools. Why is that? Why do children need to see themselves and their families resist? And what happens if they are excluded from the curriculum, as does their influence on the development and learning?

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Toddler's skills video

Since I'm bored at home every day and out of my mind, I decided this video for my 2 year old son (I also have a 9 mos son, who may shake his booty to my voice) I use this as a video tool that encourage pre-school learning for my child

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Toddler lesson plans for toddler learning activities

Most babies are born in the surrounding world and learn their curiosity. In addition, young children can be very mischievous while Time. Many parents try to encourage learning of their children in the early stages of development. There are some parents that classes develop plans for preschool toddler help their children, getting off to an early start on learning activities.

It's really easy to deploy to your daily lesson plans> Infant. You can teach and entertain the children with common household items. Also, this to help with the development of creativity in the child. In addition, this allows quality time between parent and child. Well, you can do small chores fun for the child by working in a game.

Imitation is one way of helping children with learning-teaching activities. Most children really enjoy imitating their parents, siblings and other adults. If you teachthe child about animals then some embodiments of the animals.

For example, if you wanted to teach the child how to recognize dog then you would on all fours and start barking like a particular dog. You may ask the child to imitate your actions and identify the dog.

The imitations can be performed for a variety of animals such as tigers, monkeys, birds and cats. The conversation can go further by using characteristics of the animals.

In addition, you can talkabout the relationship between animals and their parents. It might help to explain how an animal will protect like a mother bear their young. This allows activities to learn the way to be fun for the child.

The exercise is one of the toddler lesson plans that can dance and teach the child about music. This is also a way for the parents of the child and moving to teach at the same time. Most children enjoy listening and moving to the beat of the music.

Some studies haveshowed that music may be some parts of the brain to develop in children. In addition, you can add a whole dance routine to the song with the child. Training time can teach the child about the different genres of music.

A week may learn the child, classical music and its for learning in the next week, jazz. As well as dance is a training activity for the child to be. In addition, learning these skills activity will help develop the motor, listening andimaginative skills of the child.

Teaching the child athletic ability may be other fun activities for the child. You can teach the child about basketball with simple household. For example, the child can learn how to shoot with the dirty laundry. First, you would like to ask the child to help with the collection of the laundry and put the clothes in a pile.

A laundry basket would be set up across the room. In addition, one would teach the child how to shoot and aim for the basket ofthe clothes. The next step would be here the laundry in the washing machine and enables the child to help with putting the laundry in the machine. The child will learn two lessons from this basketball such as responsibility and learning how to play.

Learning activities should help the child with the world-building and more and more knowledge about. In addition, lesson plans toddler include all learning activities, develop thethe child's motor skills.

Thanks To : healthy-breakfast

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Gifts For the One Year Old - The Many Facets

For the year-old child, you can buy a large number of gifts and he / she grows each gift may be appropriate. Some of the gifts are listed below:

Traditional gifts in gold and silver:

The traditional gifts are of great importance to entertain the children and people still have the traditional gifts to the children.

Traditionally, elders, family members and close friends gift money to the one-year child. Sometimes, gold and silver coins and jewelry andgiven to the baby. You can also give pieces of silver utensils made to young people. If you ensure the implementation of a traditional gift for the child, some toys have been traditional gifts do not excite him can. You can also try for the stuffed animals to accompany your traditional gifts.

No gifts with sharp edges: Make sure not to buy anything with pointed ends or sharp edges. Invariably what happens in the hand of the toddler way into his mouth and so make sure to avoid theseStuff as much as possible. Therefore, the toys that the older toddlers can play with, are not suitable for the 1-year-old children. While buying the gift for I year old, is sure to shop owners over the age of the child for whom you buy the gift to be informed. Only then the gift will be suitable.

Games, make the sound: the baby lovers noise, instruments to make noise are those great fondness for the baby. Therefore, since you can buyInstruments that make loud noises. The colored balls are the best options for young infants. The balls are arranged in a string and the baby automatically tried by his own desires to grasp the ball. This kind of toys are a great fondness for children.

Soft toy: The baby's diaper need pads. Although it does not seem to be a brilliant idea, it is in fact at present the infant pads with a package of diapers. There are also some other types of stuffed animals, by theBaby might be interested. The baby can sit in the toy and play with him. There are soft pads are connected to the circuits. If the baby is sitting on the soft cushion, sounds made on them. This helps the child to understand the sounds made by different animals. This game is attractive to young children who have barely reached 1 the whole year of age.

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

2 1/2 yr old Recites Addition Facts

My son recites the addition of Table 1's. He learned from music to his sister during her math class. This is an advantage of homeschooling. The younger ones are at a higher learning curve, because the older ones.

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Monday, October 4, 2010

Phonics Song

A song to help children learn phonics, the letter sounds. Written and performed by AJ Jenkins Copyright 2009 All rights MP3s, spreadsheets and more reserved:

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Monday, September 27, 2010

Video For Kids - Jellyfish in the Aquarium Visit Telly's online learning activities for children for more videos, online flash cards, games and other online learning materials for young children.

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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Hair Bows for Little Girls and Toddler that You Can Make Simple hair bows are easy and fun to do with Emily's easy to see instructions for learning how to follow you girls and young children hair bows for all occasions.

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