Sunday, December 6, 2009

Five Simple Tips - Become a Better Reader to Your Baby and Toddler

It's so inspiring to see babies and toddlers take their first steps to communicate with us. I'm always amazed how they instinctively reading emotions and enigmatic new words. Most babies and toddlers love to read with us. After all, every book is like a mini-Rosetta Stone that will unlock the key to language. The key to tell us important things like "More milk!" and "No nap!" and later: "I need a car!"

Since we spend so much time reading to them:why not get the most out of it? Here is a list of quick tips to ramp up the learning, nurturing and retention. No Ivy League laboratory study backing this up. It's just tried and true Family wisdom. Try it, it works!

Make eye contact

Much of the time we read to young children, they are curled up in our lap. That's okay some of the time but if you want to see some true enthusiasm divide your time between looking at the book and looking your little one in the Eyes. I did this by accident, when I read that our granddaughter Ava, who was one years old at the time. She stood from the couch leaning one hand on her and looked at me as I read. I began to happened to glance at her and her eyes light up like a Christmas tree. It felt like an electrical current snapped between us for the rest of the story. It shifted my approach from reading to her reading with her.

Be animated

Do not worry. There is no one to watch. FlapYour arms around, live change votes for each character and emotion.

Ask questions

Talk to the familiar interactive story by pointing out things like animals, blankets, sheets and parts of the body. "Where Is Baby's nose?" "Can you show me where the ceiling is?"

Use your favorite stories to teach, shapes, colors and numbers

"Look at the round moon, what is still long on this page? "What color is Bunny's tail?" "How many small birds are on theFence? "

Give them their own book to take with you when reading

Infants LOVE this strategy. No need to buy duplicates if budget is a problem. Just look in a few books from the library, which is already home favorites. Before long, they will read "run it on your own!

If you are a grandparent, here's an extra tip. Create a special shelf for books and coloring books and stickers. At the moment, our grand-daughter goes to the door she ran to him and bringsme a book, singing "we read, Grandma read it!"

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