Monday, December 21, 2009

Teaching a Toddler Manners

Curious and active toddlers are not really polite to the affected. You want to try out some things, experiment, experience and learn everything they can, in every waking moment. The parents have high demands to address physical and emotional, in an attempt to the values that they want to teach their children grow up.

Teaching manners is important for the development of higher emotional functions, such as respect, responsibility and gratitude. Children are notautomatically learn these things if properly presented by the parents. Teaching your child manners is a logical place to start.

The first thing to do is to set a good example. Make sure that you demonstrate good manners at all times. Most children will be the behavior model and fetch much on your own. Use the word "please" when you do anything you ask on the hand. Consciously proclaiming "thank you" when they give you a toy, a blanket or a piece of food. Use otherTo show adults, "you're welcome" when your child is not to say "thank you" to.

Some children take very good manners, especially if you treat it like a game. Hand a toy, food, book, really, back and forth Practice your manners. Make it a point at meal time to talk about what are good manners. Ask your child if you can show some good manners, and they show different things. Say things like: "We can use our napkins in their laps, our good showManners! "

Do not use expressions that include you and the child says in the statement, "we" instead of "you". This will give the child the feeling like you're playing a game with them, do not say just what to do. The involvement of the whole family is a good idea. Do not let on that this is a lesson to be learned. Really creative. Leading by example and make it as fun as possible. Sing your "pleases" and "thank yous", or make an exaggerated view of the fact that you can accentuate your goodManners.

Learning manners leads to a positive self-image, confidence, gratitude and a sense. You can take all these good feelings, and teaching and to teach them in a simple way to the toddler responsibility.

Again, the family and participate in teaching the rituals of the housework. Toddlers can learn early on how certain household chores. Choir and manners really go hand in hand, as will be responsible around the house is, respectfullyThe other family members. For example, it is polite to hang my coat when you come in to throw him to the ground, however, if someone could trip on.

You can teach your child to hang their own clothes on hangers baby or children's clothes hangers. Toddlers think in general that this fun, because they want to model your behavior, but with regular clothes hanger can be difficult and frustrating. Invest in some infant hanger, to ensure that the child does not get turned torecognized early on against laundering tasks.

Infants can also help with dusting, picking up and organization of toys and make her bed. Make sure that you, your participation in practice habits make, fun, encourage and reward the infant verbally over and over again. The teaching of these values may soon have a lifetime of benefits for your child to have.

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